Insomnia Film Festival
My first film contest.
On Nov. 10th at 4pm, Sam Hendry, Marcus Sonsteby, and Tim Ingold, and I decided to make a short film in 24 hours.
The brainstorming began. . . 10 hours later, after a dead bee. a trip downtown, and one chocolate chip cookie , we were on the brink of insanity, but we pressed on and decided to shoot Sam's Idea.
Jetlagged: A guy takes the girl he loves to the airport so she may fly out of his life forever. He's an emotional wreck as he goes home, but after falling asleep on the couch he hears a knock on the door. Is it it her?
We found Alex Amendriz in the Student Center at 2:00am and somehow convinced her to act in our film. We didn't do to shabby with a final placement of 14 out of 500 entrants. The biggest thing that hurt us was time. We really wished we could have edited just another hour. But that's what happens when you spend all night coming up with the idea!
Watch the film here:
You could share the link to the YouTube Director's Cut.