Biblical Fundraising
Learn the truth about ministry fundraising by reading Phil Cooke's Blog
Biblical fundraising should be different.
Is it wrong to ask for money to support ministry?
No, Paul did it frequently in the epistles. And He let Timothy know that ministers deserve to be paid for their work. I think marketing from a Christian world view needs to be focused on informing donors where there money is going and how it is being used. In the end, its not the ministries money, but the Lord's. 1 Corinthians is clear that we should not give out of impulse or guilt, but out of love and thanksgiving to God. Sure we need to communicate to our audience in appropriate and effective ways, but purposed manipulation should not be a method of fund-raising. Communicate the effectiveness of the ministry, share the need, and let God do the rest. Consider the following verses:
1 Timothy 5:17- 18: "Elders who do their work well should be paid well, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, "Do not keep an ox from eating as it treads out the grain." And in another place, "Those who work deserve their pay!"
2 Corinthians 8:11b-12 "Give whatever you can according to what you have. If you are really eager to give, it isn't important how much you are able to give. God wants you to give what you have, not what you don't have.
2 Corinthians 9:7 You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully.
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